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Chơi game ngay
When singing her song Beautiful on stage, dancing in her Moulin Rouge video or acting in the movie Burlesque, pop star Christina knows how to impress her fans with her style! Now it`s your turn to dress up the singer and actress and chose her makeup! This True Make Up game is completely free and offers many different hairstyles, makeup and fashion styles - the perfect game for fashionable young girls and women! Be creative and put together your favorite outfits for different occasions. Sporty, elegant or sexy - with your help Christina will look fabulous!

Game Trang điểm cho Christina True HTML5

Hướng dẫn chơi game
When singing her song Beautiful on stage, dancing in her Moulin Rouge video or acting in the movie Burlesque, pop star Christina knows how to impress her fans with her style! Now it`s your turn to dress up the singer and actress and chose her makeup! This True Make Up game is completely free and offers many different hairstyles, makeup and fashion styles - the perfect game for fashionable young girls and women! Be creative and put together your favorite outfits for different occasions. Sporty, elegant or sexy - with your help Christina will look fabulous!
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